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Location & Contact Details

Office Hours

Monday – Friday
7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.


West Catholic High School
1801 Bristol Ave NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49504

Events Calendar

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Parent-Teacher Conferences

Spring Conferences

Thursday, March 7 | 3:30-7 p.m.*

* Signups for 3/7 conferences close on March 6 at noon. Please email your teacher directly to request a conference if this deadline has passed.

Meet the Teacher Sign-up Instructions:

Meet The Teacher enables parents to sign up for a conference appointment time. This online site pairs with our student management system (Infinite Campus) to streamline the signup process. Meet the Teacher automatically knows the teachers and courses for all students and it will walk parents/guardians through the process of setting up scheduled conference times.

To get signed up for conferences, simply follow these steps:

1) Visit the Meet the Teacher site to login: westcatholic.meettheteacher.com  Fill in the required fields to login and get started.

Note: This page will prompt you for the birthdate of one of your students. If you have multiple students enrolled at West Catholic, it will automatically know this information and give you options to schedule all your students as you continue. The person scheduling the appointment will also need an active Infinite Campus account to validate their first and last name along with the student birthdate. (Be sure to use the parent’s first and last name that would be on record in Infinite Campus).  Please adhere to the allotted 5 minute timeframe when conferencing.

2) Choose the conference time(s) that you wish to attend.

3) Choose the Booking Method. You can choose these appointment times manually or have the website choose the best possible times based on your availability.

Manual Booking – If you choose to manually book your appointments, you will start by selecting the teachers you would like to meet. Next, you will be presented with a grid of all possible teachers/courses and time slots. Simply click on the time slot to book the appointment. You will be presented with a check mark in the time slot when the appointment has been booked.

Automatic Booking – If you choose to automatically book your appointments, you will be presented with an adjustable timeline in which you can choose your availability. After adjusting your availability, select the teacher you would like to meet, click to generate your appointments and then either Accept or Reject the proposed appointments.

Note: Your account can be logged into at any time and appointments can be modified at any time (assuming other slots are available). To modify an appointment, login to your account, open the My Bookings tab, select the Amend Bookings option and then simply Delete any undesired bookings or Add any new bookings.